Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A little pasta fazoooool

I've been out if the hospital since last Tuesday. Food is limited to my mobility and the help of the wonderful Pesqueira family. I haven't bothered to take pics until today, but not because the food isn't worth it. It's been awesome, I just haven't really felt like photographing. 

My appetite is still small, due to just sitting around and not eating much in the hospital. It's not a bad thing. I've rediscovered hot oatmeal with walnuts and raisins and peanut butter. And dinner wise, I've been eating like a king, not portion wise, but taste wise. My first real meal after getting back was home made calzone with ricotta cheese and sauce on the side that I can still taste. I also had delicious life affirming beef stew, and a wonderful butternut squash stuffed with peas and tomatoes and ground turkey. It sounded weird (which i like) but it was reaaaallllly tasty. Also a delicious pot roast with mashed potatoes and green beans. Straightforward delicious healing stuff for my bum leg.

Here's a pic of my knee, there's even more sutures unseen:

To my untrained eye, those look like a combo of simple interrupted sutures and vertical mattress sutures....I have a lot of time on my hands.....

Today I had pasta fazool, aka pasta fagioli. What a silly name, goofy bastard Italians.

There's some sriracha on top. Great stuff.

I'm just waiting and wishing and hoping. Mourning the loss of my fave jeans and underwear.

And finally, I have to deal with side effects   of all the painkillers I was on and still take occasionally for the pain. So, if a catheter wasn't indignity enough, I also have to take these:

What can ya do?

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