Sunday, September 13, 2015

Oh, hello there

It's been a while. I've got so much to share! 

I'm a bit overwhelmed, let's go present to past. I made arepas and Piccadillo and sweet plantains. 

Yeah, they're not shaped that great. But it was my first time. I've been informed it's all palm, no fingers.

Piccadillo is ground beef and olives and raisins and garlic and onions and tomato paste and I put chorizo in.

That's the stuff right there.
Then I went to my friend's uncles house and was involved in a heated dominoes game. Thank god I had a knife in my boot, just in case...

Black beans and rice, Venezuelan shredded beef, chicken, and delicious potato salad with cilantro.

I've got another update, I wanna split these up. Catch it soon! In the meantime, how bout those Mets!!! Everyone's getting in the mood!!!!