Saturday, March 28, 2015

You're a pizza of...

So, some follow up on saurkraut.

There it is. On a Nathan's with some spicy brown. The poor man's filet mignon. Too bad there's snow on the ground as I write this.


The saurkraut was/is so good. I still have some left in the mason jar. When I finish it, I'm making more. So easy, so tasty, so healthy. 

I'm an obsessive creep, so I made more carmelized onions. To put on pizza:

Boboli crust(that's right, I'm lazy, sue me)
Goat cheese, onions, tomatoes, basil, balsamic reduction. So gd good, so so so easy.

Extra tasty while watching the wwf hall of fame ceremony....yep


  1. the pizza looks good yo. So does the dawg. I'm gonna get so many veggie dawgs at citi this year!! The mets are looking real good....
