Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sweet sweet sliders

For the Super Bowl I made mini cheese burgers, also known as..."sliders"... 

I didn't get any pics cause they were gone so fast. (I'm looking at you, Antonio) 

I needed to make them again, they were so goddam good. The secret is carmelized onions. I add bacon and special sauce...but the onions make it. 

I took 3 big yellow onions and sautéed them:

Then I sautéed them some more

And then I sautéed them some more

And next time I'm gonna do a whole 2 pound bag of onions because I want to put this on everything.

Then I prepped the bull...I mean buns.

Burger time

Oh boy.

In unrelated news, I watched Birdman. What an awful movie.


  1. Are you too hung up on Keaton as Batman to have enjoyed it? I enjoyed it thoroughly. Not to mention the continuous shooting was impressive.

  2. I should clarify. It was an awful movie "to me"...I don't know how to do italics here. I love Michael Keaton, it's why I watched, and he was great here. All the acting was. But, it won best picture so I was expecting more than a cliched parody of New York theater assholes

  3. ummm I dunno nothing bout Birdman. Those are cute lil veggie burgers, they are veggie right?
    In any case it's been too long since I carmelized onions...

  4. I liked 'Birdman' so fuck you, Joe.
