Saturday, March 28, 2015

You're a pizza of...

So, some follow up on saurkraut.

There it is. On a Nathan's with some spicy brown. The poor man's filet mignon. Too bad there's snow on the ground as I write this.


The saurkraut was/is so good. I still have some left in the mason jar. When I finish it, I'm making more. So easy, so tasty, so healthy. 

I'm an obsessive creep, so I made more carmelized onions. To put on pizza:

Boboli crust(that's right, I'm lazy, sue me)
Goat cheese, onions, tomatoes, basil, balsamic reduction. So gd good, so so so easy.

Extra tasty while watching the wwf hall of fame ceremony....yep

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I'm makin my own saurkraut and I'm on the edge of my seat.

And now for a magic trick.

Salt on cabbage. 

Day 1 above

Day 2!

Random bibimbap from a friend!

Tuna casserole I made tonight!

Aaaaahhhh! Saurkraut!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sweet sweet sliders

For the Super Bowl I made mini cheese burgers, also known as..."sliders"... 

I didn't get any pics cause they were gone so fast. (I'm looking at you, Antonio) 

I needed to make them again, they were so goddam good. The secret is carmelized onions. I add bacon and special sauce...but the onions make it. 

I took 3 big yellow onions and sautéed them:

Then I sautéed them some more

And then I sautéed them some more

And next time I'm gonna do a whole 2 pound bag of onions because I want to put this on everything.

Then I prepped the bull...I mean buns.

Burger time

Oh boy.

In unrelated news, I watched Birdman. What an awful movie.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


No, not my favorite sweet treat from Cumberland Farms in the 80's. 

Chocolate linguine. 

I have this healthy cacao powder that I put in smoothies and chili.

Far superior to...cocoa powder.

I figured I'd mix it in with pasta flour and see how it turned out. It's not crazy, they make this stuff in Italy. 

Flour, powder, and egg.

A ball of shit...I mean chocolate pasta dough.

A blurry picture due to nervous exhilaration of dreadlocks of a bum I killed and scalped...I mean a blurry picture of chocolate pasta after rolling an cutting.

Chocolate Alfredo. This was really good. The chocolate is slightly bitter, which I like, and it went really well with the sauce, which was butter, garlic, half and half, and Parmesan cheese. Also delicious with red wine.

Here it is mixed:


I'm other news, I went to the doctor and saw a cool x-ray of my well healed leg.

Just imagine. When I die I'm gonna be dust and bone and titanium. Then just dust and titanium.

But I'm alive now and have so much hair I have to do this to shave:

Teaser pic for next time:
