This was made in a slow cooker by Mrs. Pesqueira. (Bad pics alert)
There's also potatoes and carrots. This was really good, especially with mustard.
I've had groceries picked up for me, which I will be eternally grateful for. But I found out about peapod searching around on the Internet, about 5 years too late it seems. It's pretty great, I used it for the first time this week. It went off without a hitch. I ordered a lot of fruits and vegetables, which I was nervous about, because I didn't want to be stuck with old or moldy stuff. It was all fresh.
So, here's a salad with spring mix and cucumber and broccoli and radish and green pepper. I used the flash this time just because. And as a result this salad looks like it should be hanging out with Fiona Apple and a bunch of models in a sleazy hotel room. Ya know. Like the music video for Criminal. Remember the 90's?
And finally, a friend from the IRS found out that I had never had oxtail before. And I've wanted to. So they went to Faye's in amityville, and sent me over some. It was great. I love plantains and rice and beans, and the oxtail was marrow city. It was very similar to the lamb neck I made way back when. Super lip smacking savory marrow flavor and tender meat.
Yum yum yum.