My leg is still effed in terms of stamina, so I'm not a cooking machine. So I made the cooking come to me, as you'll see a little later.
I got a little rice cooker/steamer to enable my laziness. Cooking is millet with vegetable stock and tofu. Steaming is broccoli and cauliflower.
I add this:
And the awful food pic that results??
I also made delicious salad.
That's broccoli and tomato and really good cucumber and avocado and baby arugala mix topped with sriracha and tahini.
And then I went to the mets game! First if the season. Lots of hot prep.
The shirt that gets me lots of compliments from overweight men. A beloved 29th birthday gift from Lindsay Zamora that I'll treasure for life.
Would you buy a bobblehead from this man?!?!?
So, with the rice cooker, I rediscovered beans. I lived off them for awhile, but like any OCD freak, I eat in phases. So I had to quit them to rediscover how much I love them.
This shit (pardon my French) is where it's at:
That's rice with turmeric, pinto beans, steamed red peppers, and avocado. Nothing else. No accessories needed. Put me on a dessert or desert island, and I'll live happily with my volleyball.
Til next time.
Oh and the mets lost, of course.