Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A little pasta fazoooool

I've been out if the hospital since last Tuesday. Food is limited to my mobility and the help of the wonderful Pesqueira family. I haven't bothered to take pics until today, but not because the food isn't worth it. It's been awesome, I just haven't really felt like photographing. 

My appetite is still small, due to just sitting around and not eating much in the hospital. It's not a bad thing. I've rediscovered hot oatmeal with walnuts and raisins and peanut butter. And dinner wise, I've been eating like a king, not portion wise, but taste wise. My first real meal after getting back was home made calzone with ricotta cheese and sauce on the side that I can still taste. I also had delicious life affirming beef stew, and a wonderful butternut squash stuffed with peas and tomatoes and ground turkey. It sounded weird (which i like) but it was reaaaallllly tasty. Also a delicious pot roast with mashed potatoes and green beans. Straightforward delicious healing stuff for my bum leg.

Here's a pic of my knee, there's even more sutures unseen:

To my untrained eye, those look like a combo of simple interrupted sutures and vertical mattress sutures....I have a lot of time on my hands.....

Today I had pasta fazool, aka pasta fagioli. What a silly name, goofy bastard Italians.

There's some sriracha on top. Great stuff.

I'm just waiting and wishing and hoping. Mourning the loss of my fave jeans and underwear.

And finally, I have to deal with side effects   of all the painkillers I was on and still take occasionally for the pain. So, if a catheter wasn't indignity enough, I also have to take these:

What can ya do?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hospital food

The food here is overall not good. Also, I had surgery, and the anasthesia really messed with my appetite. I'm eating now, though. But less. 

My aunt sent me a Harry and David basket. I've never heard of them. Their pepper ad onion relish is saving food for me now. 

Here it is on a roast beef on rye sandwich 

My sister came and visited and brought bagels. Which were awesome. But I couldn't even finish 1. But what I ate was delicious. I'm stealing her picture from Instagram cause I didn't take one.

No god damn oat flakes on that bagel, like it should be. Various seeds, onion, garlic and salt. Get the eff off of everything bagels you pos oat flakes. 

I'm off to rehab tomorrow for two weeks. Maybe less. That'll be 3 weeks out of the house. I'd like to shower again. I also hope I'm approved because I got empire blue through the ACA an they're making a goddamn mess out of everything. We'll see. 

Oh, and I got my catheter out! It's a complicated process; they just yank that bad boy out!

I don't know if the food at rehab is gonna be good or bad. I'll find out soon!

Monday, February 3, 2014


So, I'm in the hospital again. 


It's day 3. No smoothies. No sardines. Food isn't bad, but it ain't great. How about hit or miss. Breakfast stinks, always. The highlight is a banana. Here's a sample menu:

It says Cheerios, but it's the knockoff version.

I've had turkey with stuffing and sweet potatoes - very good

Chicken parmigiana with green beans- very good

Pulled pork with cauliflower and carrots-gross.

My friend Monica also brought snacks. Here's a pic of sunflower "nuts":

She also brought some balloons. They give me reason:

Damn you, leg

Next time, food pics. And a detailed explanation of the Foley catheter!